fps1000 Shows Finished Packaged Cameras!


Warning: The parent company of FPS cameras “The Slow Motion Camera Company Ltd.” went out of business and entered liquidation proceedings. No further development of cameras is expected. More information here on Google Search

The fps1000 Camera is reaching a new milestone today with the first Silver Gold and Platinum basic models displayed in full manufactured case and final packaging. These will be ready to ship at any moment.

The first units will be of smaller sensor size as expected with 4k and Double Platinum  coming soon after. The Hex Platinum Camera will be last according to the current production line-up.   All of the cameras shown today are Battery only and will not work with a power supply. Until EMC testing is passed with a power supply the Kickstarter campaign backers receiving the cameras will have to use the two 18650 3.7v Battery cells.

fps1000 units assembled, some with Optical Low Pass filter. Courtesy of Graham Rowan of Imagetec.

For fps1000 owners that can wait a bit longer for EMC to pass, they will receive a camera with full power supply compatibility. We recommend you do so if you can wait.

The 18650 Li-Ion battery cells are easy to find but many use cheap cells that are of lower quality. We recommend you buy the best reviewed batteries and not be fooled by the capacity but by the consistent performance.  We have some of batteries here that have good reviews in other electronic products from Amazon.com :

Our choices above reflect our research into good cells, while your mileage may vary, we strive to find ones that have been proven to work perfectly on other products.  We had to weed out a lot of cells that were of low quality.  Beware of brands like Ultra Fire which do not perform as stated in the rating and voltage. They may work but we would not risk a camera on cheaply made cells.  In our case we went with the Nitecore Charger Package with 4 cells.

Disclaimer: We researched the 18650 batteries presented here with care but that does not mean they will work well with the fps1000 and purchasing and testing them with your electronics including a camera like the fps1000 is your full responsibility.    

The first units will have a C Mount made of what seems at first glance stainless steel, but it could be Aluminum.  They all sport the logo for the fps1000 and the shipping case has now foam packaging and the promised 50mm C mount basic lens on the side foam insert.

Update on the project from Graham Rowan:
fps1000 Packaging

The fps1000 packaging arrived today. I wanted to share with you the final product.

4K Update

More 4K sensor boards are due to be delivered to me on Monday. If all is well I will be posting some images soon.

Platinum Double

The Platinum Double will be the next to come off the production line. These are in manufacture now. The headline performance of the Double is 1280 x 720 @1,000 fps – double the performance of the Platinum. The memory size is also doubled to 128GBytes. Otherwise the specification is the same as the Platinum and shares the same motherboard, case and software. This is now available to pre-order.”

HSC- The 4k fps1000 camera boards had a fabrication defect in the memory interface that was taken care of in the last update and should be performing to spec now. Once testing is done it can probably resume production and join in the shipping, hopefully with EMC testing having been approved by then.

We still have no new images or samples as they have not yet been released but these should be coming soon now that cameras will be on the wild in the coming weeks.

We’ll keep you posted on news about the fps1000 in the future.

More info on the fps1000 and ordering one for yourself at the Kickstarter project site!

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4 thoughts on “fps1000 Shows Finished Packaged Cameras!”

    1. What model were you thinking of purchasing? There are very affordable fps1000 cameras in the low end silver gold and platinum.

  1. Hello there,

    I’m interested in gaining some more details about your cameras and then incorporating them in to a film project in Toronto. Our director and DP are interested in purchasing. Would you kindly let me know the best contact information for the seller and if these cameras are in fact currently available for purchase?

    Thanks very much and look forward to hearing from you.

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