fps1000HD is Now Shipping in Quantity!


Warning: The parent company of FPS cameras “The Slow Motion Camera Company Ltd.” went out of business and entered liquidation proceedings. No further development of cameras is expected. More information here on Google Search

The second fps1000 Kickstarter campaign the fps1000HD has reached a milestone with full production and all backer cameras to be shipped by mid January 2017.  The camera design was finalized before the campaign so no unforeseen technical problems would impede it’s production.

Most orders will ship via UPS unless a special request is made. The cameras ship with 256GB of Fast Flash Memory that give them a continuous recording of 720p video at 1000fps for up to 2 full minutes which is enough time for 83 minutes when played back at 24p on a video timeline.  The cameras record in DNG RAW sequences so that will be quite a lot of files.

Shipping Update by Graham Rowan:

“Shipments are beginning now for the fps1000HD. A little later than I had hoped due to slow deliveries from the factory. However, all cameras have been built and are going through final test and packaging. Deliveries will spill over into the new year for which I apologize. I hope to have shipped all cameras by the second week in January.

I thank you all for your support and wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.” GR

fps1000HD Boards in the Production Facility!
What about the fps1000 4k and Hex?

The Gold, Silver and Platinum variants of the original fps1000 cameras are being scrapped due to unforeseen problems with the camera sensors not performing up to the claimed manufacturer spec. The quality of the image and frame rate characteristics with heavy fixed pattern noise were the main reasons.  Graham has stated that all of these camera backers will have a chance to receive an fps1000HD instead with an upgrade mark up and or receive a refund as time permits so they choose.  The fps1000HD is a vastly more powerful and better camera than the Gold, Silver or Original Platinum ever were in spec and this is a major upgrade. Graham will communicate upgrade pricing at a later date when he gathers enough responses from backers. We haven’t seen clamor from backers for refunds which should prove more solid for the fps1000HD option as a realistic upgrade with ready to ship on order production line.  This is a good option for backers of the project who want a high speed camera, and you get 2min rec time at HD resolution.

As far as the fps1000 4k and Hex models are still being worked on and working prototypes are being tested; Graham stays firm and continues to work on these projects fully and intends them to be products. We will share more information on these projects when it becomes available.

For More Information, pricing and ordering page for the fps1000HD camera you can visit the Company’s Website: http://theslowmotioncameracompany.com/

Dog Captured with the fps1000HD by Graham Rowan:

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