Ono U1 Promises 480fps Full HD for $199!

OnoU1Out of seemingly nowhere a new smartphone competitor Ono has sprung up with a pretty slick phone that finally claims a smartphone called the Ono U1 which will do 480fps full HD using the Mediatek Helios X10 chipset released earlier this year. The company seems to be a collaboration from engineers and designers from India, France and Germany.   Anand Kumar the CEO of Ono and mind behind the phone strives to make it available to everyone in the world at a very low pre order price of $199.00 USD.

The specs of the Ono U1:
  • 480fps Full HD 1080p Video
  • 20 Megapixel Back Camera
  • 8 Megapixel Front Camera
  • 2560 x 1440px 2k Res – 16 million colors
  • 5.5″ Display
  • 4000mAH battery
  • Micro/nano Dual sim
  • 3GB Dual Channel LP DDR3 RAM
  • Gorilla Glass 4
  • 4G LTE
  • Mediatek Helio X10 Processor -480fps
  • Dual Color LED Flash
  • RadialOS- Simplified Speedy Android Compatible With Android apps.
  • Pre Order Price $199 USD Worldwide.

The specs are actually quite good and especially impressive for the low introductory price tag.  It reminds of of the Chinese company One Plus which introduced the low cost but very capable and no compromise One phone a year ago.


Considering the low price tag many believe it is a scam of some sort but the website seems serious and well produced.   See Here!   There is also a discussion at One Plus Forums on the phone and the likelihood it’s a scam of some sort as there is only a PO BOX address for the company. We however can’t attest to the veracity of the phone  hardware or these spec/price claims at this time!

They have  a Facebook page answering questions here: Facebook ONO Page! 

If real the design is very nice in our view and while the Helios X10 provides slow motion that is ahead of the competition the processor is slower than more recent Samsung or Apple chips. It is no slouch by any measure but not a speed king for games or other uses.  The strength of this phone will be in it’s battery life which will probably be most impressive.


The design is a cross between the iPhone and a Google Nexus device with very sleek power button and volume controls.   As a slow motion device if nothing else for $199 if it does ship as advertised could be the best bang for your buck in a high speed portable device.  We have sent a request for information to the company regarding the slow motion mode and will post our findings if we hear back.

The phone is scheduled to ship early October 2015 according to their website. “Each order will include an Ono U1 Smartphone, its corresponding charging unit, a pair of Ono Earphones and a complete Ono U1 User Manual.”

For more information about the Ono U1 such as FAQ and Pre order info head on to http://weareono.com/

Disclaimer: We are not promoting the purchase or acquisition of any device shown at hispeedcams.com and are only informing an opinion. We are not responsible for any shipping or fulfilling of any order regarding an Ono or any other device.
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12 thoughts on “Ono U1 Promises 480fps Full HD for $199!”

  1. I so much hope this will be true! 480 fps HD is just what I look after all the time.
    I noticed that the phone will be eventually for sale for $350 which is a good deal in case this is not a scam.

    1. Too early to tell if it is a scam or real. You should do some more info digging before making a decision. Looks real but no physical phone has been shown, only renders.

      1. Please, PLEASE tell me you have found something else about this phone, i really want to buy it but if it is a scam and i waste my money on that i would die… if it is true and i did not preorder for 199 and then it comes out at 300+ then i would kick my self in the nuts 300+ times and then die…. srly, any news please report, don’t forget about it.

        1. We are tracking the progress but there is still no certainty about if it’s real or not. Exercise caution as it could be a scam. We hope not as it looks to be a good phone and slow motion contender.

          1. Well i really hope not, because i contacted paypal and they said from the time I paid (abou 3 days ago) i would have plenty of time to claim my money back in case they fail to fufill what they promissed. The sad thing will be that we actually recieve a phone that is crappy, cheap materials, 1080p upscaled and 480fps faked… if it claims to have the mediatek processor that allows actual 480fps then it better do so as promissed.. I really hope if it does not have 480 fps they don’t even shipp it so that i can get my money back.

          2. We’ll see where it goes. The story could turn out positive if they manage to release the phone. However until they release video of a real handset in use it is only a well crafted phone website campaign. We’ll be covering the story!

  2. Hello admin, I have some really bad news and I hope to see a new story about this on the web. Saddly, after pre-ordering the phone like a week ago, and after pushing and pushin ONO via email and FB messages, I have confirmed that the Ono U1 uses image interpolation to achieve 480FPS, here I quote part of our conversation, in case you need more for a new article let me know.

    Me – “is the 480fps camera really 480 or it is 240 resampled or some software thing to make it “look” like 480″

    Ono- “To answer your question. The helio x10 chip has the capability to record 480fps (any normal google search will verify this) we are enabling that feature and we are using software interpolation to enable 480fps recording.”
    “…Hope this helps and please be assured before the end of the month we will slowly initially reveal videos of the ROM,earphones and our most basic prototype picture.”

    This last parts means at least 6 days untill they reveal something like Images or a campaing video or something. But I don’t know about you, but for me this is really sad news. On the other hand, I still don’t understand if the phone is capable of 480 thanks to the helio, why they need to use image interpolation to achieve it? And why at lower resolution it could not be real 480? I asked them this questions too, but they take their sweet time to answer so, we will know later but there you go. Hope this helps.

    1. The Helio X10 and Helio x20 does 480fps without interpolation in software according to the Mediatek whitepaper specs. It may do line skipping to some degree but it is capturing real frames with a little aliasing apparent. Until we see a working phone from ONO and see sample footage all of the information up to now is speculation. There might not even be a phone considering how long this roll-out has been. We are still not convinced that the hardware will ship and we rather not continue coverage until they do or drop out all together. However you are free to post your findings here and we appreciate any information you can share with the community. At this time if you ordered a phone with them I would ask Paypal for a refund. But that is your decision to make as they may ship and you got a good deal. We rather stay on the sidelines and review the images if they ever come to fruition.

      1. I am actually in touch with them on facebook and we agreed that I will get a refund not by a complain directly with paypal, in case they fail to fufill this well it will be upscaled but untill now, the atention (when they care to answer) has been great, but, yeah we know the x10 is capable of 480 but then why are they telling me that it uses software interpolation? Because of how relatively easy it is to get your money back, I would not think this is a scam, but just an overselled product that will not deliver what it promisses, I am kind of between the blade and the wall here because on one hand the experts tell me that the x10 does real 480p, and ond the other the ones that made the phone tell me it uses software interpolation to achieve that. If it is true, I am kind of regretting asking them for a refund, if not I am fine but I really just need a clear answer for that and I thought an answer from them was all I needed. Anyway, if you have not purchased the Ono, then you will not recieve the updates in a few days, I’ll try to keep you updated on that if they release images or anything, would you like me to send them somewhere?

        1. Yah we decided to skip the phone until it is proven to be what it claims to be and has been shipping in quantity. Please keep us informed on the progress if you can, when it does ship we will cover it and will gladly publish your experience with it if you like.

          1. Well, I had to cancel my order, maybe I will be regretting it when it does comes out at a price I can not afford but, 480 resampled was not gonna make it for me, but seeing how easy it was to get my money back, I would suggest you try it, afer all, the money is backed up by Paypal and it did not had to esalate to that, with a chat with Ono in about 10 hours when i woke up I had an email saying the refund was done, and if in this week they do publish more about the phone, then seems to be if not legit, secure to backup this project with pre-orders.

          2. Don’t feel like you are missing on an opportunity. The market is advancing fast and this phone will just be a footnote in a couple of years. You will always find better performance and a better deal in the future. And no, we are not ordering one for now.

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