Underwater Slow Motion on Lumix GH5!

Underwater Slow Motion on Lumix GH5The Youtube channel Backscatter has posted a glowing review of the Panasonic Lumix GH5 for underwater shooting. The camera is a favorite of low budget film makers and those looking for the utmost quality with 10 bit color in a small package.  The Backscatter review also points out that the slow motion feature of up to 180fps in Full HD works really well underwater.

We, however, recommend you stay at 120fps full HD to avoid some artifacts like moire and aliasing which the at 180fps show up easily and at 150fps are there to a lower degree. The GH5 can white-balance under water and does a stellar job at different depths according to the review.

There a re a couple of dome underwater housings for the GH5 released in the past couple of months that allow for easy all button operation for scuba imaging enthusiasts.  The small footprint of the camera and the pristine image quality it can deliver at 4k from 6k supersampling even at 60fps 4k make the camera an excellent alternative to Arri Alexa and RED Epic/Dragon cinema camera rigs.

Panasonic GH5 – Underwater Camera Review by Backscatter:

The video above has both 4k 60p and 1080p 180fps samples for you to see the camera in under-water slow motion action.  The in camera sensor stabilization is also so good underwater that the footage looks rock solid from the review samples.  It is quite amazing what you can get today for under $5k USD as an underwater kit. Just a decade ago you would get half the quality and much less freedom in frame-rates for 20k worth of heavy gear.

The full written review about the GH5 and the underwater cases can be found at the backscatter official website. Including extra review footage!

Highly recommended read:  http://www.backscatter.com/reviews/post/Panasonic-GH5-Underwater-Camera-and-Housing-Review

Underwater Slow Motion on Lumix GH5 Samples:

First Dive with Panasonic GH5 – Underwater Test Footage from Backscatter:

Panasonic GH5 First dive (4K underwater macro )+ Nauticam NA-GH5 + Olympus 60mm by Stephan T. Madsen:

Panasonic G7 / GH5 Underwater in 4K by MatroxFilms:

Socorro Islands 2017 4k60 by SDrewWilson:

As the videos above show, the Panasonic Lumix GH5 is a great camera to capture underwater life in the most amazing ways.  Now you have to save for that once in a lifetime trip to a remote island and capture some unbelievable footage of the living oceans. Be sure to share it when getting back! -HSC

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